
Admission Procedure

2025 / 2026 學年幼兒班 (K1) 入學申請注意事項

Method of Application (No Application Limits)

  1. Download the application form from school website (Click Here)

  2. Collect the form in person

Please print out and complete the application form during the period specified below:

  1. 日期:2024年6月15日開始

  2. Time: 9:30 a.m. to 15:30 p.m. (Monday to Friday) 9:00 a.m. - 13:00 p.m. (Saturday)

Submission of Application Forms

  1. Please print out the online application form and submit it in person or by post together with the following documents:


  2. Application fee (if applicable): HK$40 (to be collected together with the application form). The application fee is non-refundable whether the application is successful or not.


  1. 政府由 2025/26 學年起落實推行「免費優質幼稚園教育計劃」(下稱「計劃」),每名可在本港接受教育的學童只會獲發一張註冊文件,而所有參加「計劃」的幼稚園,只可取錄持有有效註冊文件的學童。

  2. 家長須於 2024 年 9 月至 11 月期間為其子女向教育局申請「幼稚園入學註冊證」(下稱「註冊證」)。「註冊證」會於本年 9 月開始接受申請,屆時教育局會公布申請細則,並會在教育局網頁(http://www.edb.gov.hk)上載詳情。如申請人在遞交申請時已提供全部所需資料及文件,教育局一般可在六至八個星期內完成審核,並以郵遞方式發放「註冊證」給合資格接受「計劃」資助的申請人。如學童可於本港接受教育但不合乎資格接受「計劃」資助而未能獲發「註冊證」,本局會為有關學童發出「幼稚園入學許可書」(下稱「入學許可書」), 學童可憑「入學許可書」註冊並入讀參加「計劃」的幼稚園,惟其家長須按註冊入讀之幼稚園的收費證明書繳付未扣減「計劃」資助前的全額學費。

「2025/26 K1 收生安排」流程圖:

Admission Criteria:

  1. Base on interview performance

  2. Applicants with sibling(s) currently studying at the School will be given priority consideration.

  3. Applicants from families in need will be given priority consideration when applying for whole day classes.

    (As the number of school places is limited, not all applicants fulfilling the priority consideration will be guaranteed a school place.)

Registration Procedure:

  1. The kindergarten will arrange interview for all applicants.

  2. 面見於202411月2日(星期六)進行,本園會另函通知家長。

  3. Group interviews will be arranged.

  4. Parents should accompany their child for the interview .

  5. Please contact us at 2672 7258 if interpretation / translation service is required.

    If necessary, We can make use of the free-of-charge telephone interpretation service provided by the Home Affairs Department-funded “Centre for Harmony and Enhancement of Ethnic Minority Residents (CHEER)”.

    * The telephone interpretation service hotlines are:

                   • 3755 6811 (Bahasa Indonesian, Tagalog, Thai)

                   • 3755 6822 (Hindi, Nepali)

                   • 3755 6833 (Urdu)

Announcement of Admission Results


Registration Arrangements

  1. 取錄生:家長須於20251月2日至4日(「統一註册日期」)內的指定時間到本幼稚園辦理註册手續,並須提交「2025/2026註冊證」正本及繳交註冊費。

  2. 後備生:本幼稚園會以電郵發出通知該生為「後備生」,倘若有取錄生退學,校方則以電郵通知家長於指定日期到本幼稚園辦理註冊手續,並須提交「2025/2026註冊證」正本及繳交註冊費。

  3. Please be reminded that if parents do not submit the “2024/2025 RC” during registration, the kindergarten may not be able to complete registration for their child. Hence, parents are reminded to submit the application for the Registration Certificate to EDB within the specified period.

  4. 2025/2026學年的註冊費為(半日制)港幣$970元正/(全日制)港幣$1570。如有關兒童入讀本校,本校會於2025年9月退回註冊費,但若家長於註冊後決定為子女轉校,請以書面通知本幼稚園。本幼稚園會退回相關註冊證,但註冊費將不獲退還。在取回註冊證後,本幼稚園亦不會再為該兒童保留學位。


Telephone: 2672 7258


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